Tag Archives: health

Since a recent blog called “Here’s to Good Health,” I’ve had multiple people wonder how I could just get away for two weeks at a time and take a “real” vacation.  Then they usually go on to excuse their own inability to … Continue reading

The next two weeks, I’ll be on vacation.  Most of us, look forward to vacations.  I sure do.  This vacation is extra special in that it’s the third one of our “7 Year-Old Grandchild Trips.”  This time, with our grandtwins, Noah and Haley.  We started … Continue reading

Over three decades ago, I heard three phrases that have shaped and sustained my life.  These three simple two-word statements burrowed deep into my soul and became my life practice.  They have kept my life in proper balance and in a positive … Continue reading

  I’ve been working my way through the Top Ten. This is the last on the list. But certainly not the least on the list. Ever since I funneled four decades of leadership lessons into a 90-minute teaching session for … Continue reading

I’m privileged to share this guest blog from sister, Julia Gingerich Wasson, who lives in Oregon. I am frequently moved to tears when reading her monthly email reflections to my parents and siblings. They are brim full of raw emotion, transparent breakthroughs and … Continue reading

  It took me 61 years to finally have my first experience with such luxury—at the push of a button—people actually come to your bedside to meet your needs!  I arrived home a couple days ago from an unexpected 4 day … Continue reading

  This is a crazy conflicting week! Today, I am walking with a family through arguably the most horrific thing any human can experience—the death of their 5 year-old son in a traffic accident caused by the reckless decision of … Continue reading

  For many of us, the clock and the calendar are not our friends. Our time is always getting shorter. I’ve met plenty of folks who have a depressing and mind-numbing sense that their effort, or even their presence, is … Continue reading

A YEAR AGO TODAY…A MENTOR OF MINE CHANGED HIS ADDRESS FROM EARTH TO HEAVEN…HERE’S A REPOST OF WHAT I WROTE THAT DAY 10/11/12: Today, our world lost an authentic down-to-earth saint. Not a saint in some formal religious way, but … Continue reading

  Dan Black writes in his newly released book, The Leadership Mandate, “The foundation for positive influence is based on your ability to successfully lead and manage yourself.” I agree. I completely agree. The greatest leadership challenge I have is self-leadership. … Continue reading

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