“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful — that’s what matters to me.” (Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple in CNNMoney/Fortune, 1993).  What matters most to you at the end of the day?

I’m not trying to be morbid or a Debbie Downer. But death is a part of life you know. As a pastor, I’ve led hundreds of memorial services. I always use that time to challenge the living to think about what matters most. Here’s four things I often say:

  1. We All Die – However, whenever, wherever it happens will vary, but it’s one appointment we will not miss.  King Solomon wrote, “Death is the destiny of every man” (Ecclesiastes 7:2).  We should never forget that we all die.  Remembering this truth should shape how we live.
  2. Life is Short at It’s Longest – Whether it’s a young, middle-age or elderly person, it seems we are never quite ready to let our loved ones go.  We usually wish we had more time with them.  The dash between our date of arrival and departure is very short.  The big question is, how are you living your dash?
  3. Some Things Are More Important Than Other Things – The death of a family member or close friend always teaches us about priorities.  We often wish we had made an effort to see the person one more time or we may regret something we said or did. If we are faced with our own death or someone close to us, we quickly realize that some things we invested a lot of energy in just don’t matter all that much.
  4. God Cares About Us – He didn’t just create us to exist for a few decades and deteriorate to dust. God’s care includes forming us as body, soul and spirit. He designed us to live with purpose and meaning. He breathed His own image into our eternal spirits.  Even more profound, God invites us into an intimate relationship with Him, now and forever.

What matters most to you? Are the things you will invest in and dedicate your life to this week of the highest priority in light of eternity? What does your calendar and checkbook say about what you’ve put at the top of the list? Will it seem important five or twenty-five years from now? What would those who are closest to you say about your priorities? Are you investing your time, talent and treasure in what matters most?

QUESTION: What is one of your top priorities in life? Please share it in the comment section.

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