Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” We love births. We love birthdays. We celebrate them every year. That birth date is a key identifier on every official document. It scripts everything about us—eligibilities for starting school, driving, benefits and privileges. But what about that second most important day?


BirthdayCandlesFinding, knowing and understanding our purpose is key to a fruitful and significant life. Yet, so many people spend years, decades and even lifetimes without understanding the “why” of life. We spend a lot of our lives making sure we know the how, what and when but very little on knowing why. Finding one’s purpose for being born is really the deep inner cry of every soul—whether you realize it or not.

Awhile back, I wrote the blog post “Rediscover Your Why.” Whether an individual, a business, a church, or an organization, knowing the why is critical to success. I referenced a great book by Simon Sinek, Start With Why. Check it out.

So, my questions to you are:GotPurpose?2

Do you know the “why” for which you were born?

Are you aware of the purpose for which you were created?

Are you fulfilling that purpose?

If not, what are you doing about discovering it?

LiveOnPurposeMy friend Steve Spring recommended Peter Cooke’s book, One Big Thing as an excellent resource for figuring out why you are here and what God created you to accomplish. Another popular best seller that has helped a lot of folks address this important issue is Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life. And of course, don’t forget the top seller in all history, The Bible.

This week, what is the one step you will take toward understanding and celebrating that second most important day of your life?


QUESTION: What suggestion would you add to this? Please share it below. Thanks!


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