Tag Archives: words

It matters.  It really matters.  I was in a place of business this morning where I’ve been going every three to four weeks for over seven years now.  While there, I even debated in my mind about ever returning.  So the jury in my … Continue reading

  For nearly four decades, I’ve often been in the role of comforter—caring for those going through the death of a loved one.  As a pastor, I’ve been with hundreds of families before, during or after saying goodbye to a … Continue reading

  Common sense isn’t all that common. Sometimes we overlook the basics and think life is way more complicated than it really is.  To be successful in leadership, in marriage, in parenting we often think we have to be exceptionally … Continue reading

  In case you missed them, here are the top five posts for the month of October! For the first time, I’ve also included a few of what I consider to be the top comments for this month. I so … Continue reading

  It’s a lie. Absolutely not true. The rhyme I heard on the playground in elementary school is simply false. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. … Continue reading

  You haven’t heard from me for a week because I’m on vacation, helping out the best I can with our daughter who just delivered twins.  I’ve written new posts for next week. Meanwhile, I’ve checked my website tally of … Continue reading

  Love it or hate it, you always are. You are always leading. Seriously, even if you think you aren’t a leader, you are leading. People are watching. Leadership is influence. We are always influencing people by our actions, our … Continue reading

  One of the grandest things you can do in life is to leave a legacy that extends beyond you to generations to come. There is no better place to start than with your children and grandchildren. What are you … Continue reading

  We’ve established that our physical, emotional and spiritual energy is finite, not unlimited. Just doing life, working and relating to people will drain our energy levels. You can name a ton more specific energy-drainers: financial stress, conflict, internal incongruity, … Continue reading

  Listening is one of the most important skills for success at every age and stage of life. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, your marriage, your parenting and the quality of all your … Continue reading

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