Tag Archives: transformation

I’ve heard that descriptive statement time and time again the last dozen years or more.  “I’m not wired that way.”  It is often said in response to me answering a question about my current role on the staff of the church that … Continue reading

A few years ago, I heard three statements that got my attention: Mature people can disagree without being disagreeable.  Mature people can learn to have unity without uniformity. Mature people can walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye. … Continue reading

I have learned I don’t agree with everyone. And everyone doesn’t agree with me.  Have you noticed that we are at an all-time high when it comes to disagreement in our country?  We have oodles of tension right now regarding the … Continue reading

  For nearly four decades, I’ve often been in the role of comforter—caring for those going through the death of a loved one.  As a pastor, I’ve been with hundreds of families before, during or after saying goodbye to a … Continue reading

  Thirty years ago, (April 19, 1987 on Easter Sunday) I had the privilege of being a spiritual mid-wife. I helped God birth one of His churches, Cape Christian. My wife Linda and two other couples, locked our arms in … Continue reading

    As a used-to-be regular at the same gym for a dozen years or more, I always got amused (and truthfully) even annoyed during the first weeks of each new year. The cross-trainers, stair-steppers and treadmills were occupied. The weight … Continue reading

  This is a crazy conflicting week! Today, I am walking with a family through arguably the most horrific thing any human can experience—the death of their 5 year-old son in a traffic accident caused by the reckless decision of … Continue reading

Everyone has their favorites.  I enjoy doing a “Top Five” of the recent blog posts. Since I was away on a four month sabbatical, I changed the patterns of my blog posts and I didn’t even look at the stats of … Continue reading

  “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I love it. I saw this line the other day announcing the launch of a new church in Ohio. It’s so true. Real living starts when we courageously step outside our … Continue reading

  What would you rather be remembered for, being persistent or tenacious? Have you thought about the difference between them? Which is preferable for leadership? I know which one I want to be known for. Think about it. Persistence is … Continue reading

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