Tag Archives: thanksgiving

One thing I have observed recently, we are short on some things needed for a happy life.  I’m not referring to toilet paper, disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer.  I’m talking about leadership.  Leadership is in short supply. Here’s the story. Thanksgiving had little … Continue reading

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You thought it was supposed to be “Christmas in July,” right?  You’ve heard it for years.  Retailers promote buying in July with discounts, Christmas decorations and even Christmas music playing, trying to spark a mid-year surge of profits. I propose we change it to … Continue reading

  Pumpkin-flavored drinks and breads, turkeys, football, Pilgrims, Native Americans and colorful leaves are standard diet and décor this time of year. Not sure which of these appeal to you, but this is the season of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is … Continue reading

  There is nothing uglier than a person with an entitlement mentality, a spoiled brat spirit. In contrast, there is nothing more beautiful than a grateful person. Everyone loves a person who is thankful. You can’t stay away. You just … Continue reading

  On Thanksgiving Day and most days across America and around the world, people pause while the food is steaming hot, join hands around the table, and give thanks. Sometimes, we call it, “Saying grace.” It might be a memorized … Continue reading

  Ancient scriptures instruct us to be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. It turns out that our Creator knows exactly how He created our bodies to thrive in modern times. There is scientific evidence that counting your blessings produces multiplied … Continue reading

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