Tag Archives: relationships

Since this is the next-to-the-top viewed (over 3,000 times) of all my nearly 300 posts over the last decade, I thought it might be good for a rerun. Happy Valentine’s Day 2023! According to Hallmark’s research department, 145 million cards will … Continue reading

The next two weeks, I’ll be on vacation.  Most of us, look forward to vacations.  I sure do.  This vacation is extra special in that it’s the third one of our “7 Year-Old Grandchild Trips.”  This time, with our grandtwins, Noah and Haley.  We started … Continue reading

Every year there are new words and new phrases added to our vocabulary and dictionary.  Here’s a new one I learned recently: “Cancel Culture.”  We now live in a cancel culture.  Although it was first coined in 2016, Google Trends data indicates there … Continue reading

One of the best sticky statements I’ve ever heard in a speech was from my colleague, Cory Demmel.  He was sharing the sad news of a popular church leader who had fallen far short of his calling.  Cory’s repeated line was about … Continue reading

This is a slightly edited version of a weekly “Chaplain’s Chat” that I did recently for the employees of Cape Coral Police Department where I serve as Lead Chaplain — Dennis You don’t have to be a police officer or … Continue reading

  For nearly four decades, I’ve often been in the role of comforter—caring for those going through the death of a loved one.  As a pastor, I’ve been with hundreds of families before, during or after saying goodbye to a … Continue reading

  “True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure–the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation.” This was a recent daily inspirational quote I posted on my social media channels. This slight paraphrase of something … Continue reading

  I’ve been working my way through the Top Ten. This is the last on the list. But certainly not the least on the list. Ever since I funneled four decades of leadership lessons into a 90-minute teaching session for … Continue reading

  Thirty years ago, (April 19, 1987 on Easter Sunday) I had the privilege of being a spiritual mid-wife. I helped God birth one of His churches, Cape Christian. My wife Linda and two other couples, locked our arms in … Continue reading

  This week, ten worship interns from across the globe, left our church campus and returned to their homes in Australia, Canada and the United States. During the two months these Arise Worship Internship millennials were with us, I treasured … Continue reading

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