Tag Archives: marriage

Since this is the next-to-the-top viewed (over 3,000 times) of all my nearly 300 posts over the last decade, I thought it might be good for a rerun. Happy Valentine’s Day 2023! According to Hallmark’s research department, 145 million cards will … Continue reading

This past weekend, my wife and I spent 48 hours with seven couples that are the “Friends are Friends Forever”kind.  In 1972, during their freshman year of college, 8 young women gathered for Bible Study in the residence hall of Eastern Mennonite … Continue reading

  I’ve been working my way through the Top Ten. This is the last on the list. But certainly not the least on the list. Ever since I funneled four decades of leadership lessons into a 90-minute teaching session for … Continue reading

  As a 21 year old, I stood expectantly at the front of a church filled with family and friends, vowing to love my college sweetheart until “death do us part.” Then the reception and away Linda Augsburger and I … Continue reading

A welder, chemist, music teacher, engineer, brain-cancer researcher, chaplain, physician, nurse, pastor, midwife, military analyst, business owner, and workers in a predominantly Muslim country. From Minnesota, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, New York, Florida, Colorado and the Middle East. Married between one … Continue reading

  Your personality may attract a following, but it won’t have any long-term impact. For long-term impact, you need something more than lots of charisma and a good public image. You need character. Effective leadership is an inside-out job. If … Continue reading

  Thirty-eight years ago today, I married my love, Linda Augsburger. It was a cold, icy evening in Youngstown, Ohio when we shared with each other the vows we had written to each other before God, our family and friends. … Continue reading

  Recently, while spending time with Lloyd Reeb (Author of Success to Significance) and a dozen guys who were exploring what it means to live a life of significance, he said something that got my attention. It wasn’t a new … Continue reading

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