Tag Archives: John Maxwell

Nearly 20 years ago, I made a decision.  I chose to create a leadership succession plan for the organization I founded. Very close to committing myself to follow Jesus, marrying my wife and starting Cape Christian, this decision is one of … Continue reading

When my sons were young, I would always ask them to hold my ladder if I was changing a battery in one of the smoke detectors or a light bulb on one of our two cathedral ceilings. Now days, if … Continue reading

A couple months ago, a former youth group member from two decades ago moved back to Florida from Colorado and showed up at church with her family.  She now has children that are ready for the youth group.  What a surprise!  I have … Continue reading

In 1986, I gained a new insight when I heard Dr. John Maxwell say, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  At the time, that new understanding both encouraged me and discouraged me.  It encouraged me because I was making a fresh leadership start. I … Continue reading

  You know them. Maybe you are one of them. The one who loves to be the first to clap at the conclusion of a great song or when the speaker makes a powerful point in her presentation. Some love … Continue reading

  Over this past weekend, I had the honor to speak at the church of a long-time pastor friend who was out of town at a retreat with all of his staff. His video introduction of me as the guest … Continue reading

  I’m not sure where I first heard it. I’m not sure who first said it or who wrote it. It may have been Dr. John Maxwell. I’ve learned a lot of leadership stuff from him over the years. All … Continue reading

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