Tag Archives: Jesus

Nearly 20 years ago, I made a decision.  I chose to create a leadership succession plan for the organization I founded. Very close to committing myself to follow Jesus, marrying my wife and starting Cape Christian, this decision is one of … Continue reading

Nearly 20 years ago, I made a decision.  I chose to create a leadership succession plan for the organization I founded. Very close to committing myself to follow Jesus, marrying my wife and starting Cape Christian, this decision is one of … Continue reading

I’ve heard that descriptive statement time and time again the last dozen years or more.  “I’m not wired that way.”  It is often said in response to me answering a question about my current role on the staff of the church that … Continue reading

Every year there are new words and new phrases added to our vocabulary and dictionary.  Here’s a new one I learned recently: “Cancel Culture.”  We now live in a cancel culture.  Although it was first coined in 2016, Google Trends data indicates there … Continue reading

We are born with a desire to want more power than we have.  Every healthy child fights for more power and control from little on.  So, loving power less just isn’t a part of our nature.  All of us have seen the abuse of … Continue reading

A few years ago, I heard three statements that got my attention: Mature people can disagree without being disagreeable.  Mature people can learn to have unity without uniformity. Mature people can walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye. … Continue reading

One of the best sticky statements I’ve ever heard in a speech was from my colleague, Cory Demmel.  He was sharing the sad news of a popular church leader who had fallen far short of his calling.  Cory’s repeated line was about … Continue reading

Among all the greatest assets needed for work, relationships, and life—is this one that stands head and shoulders above the rest.  Let me be blunt.  Adaptability, now more than ever, is essential.  Change has been coming at record pace.  Some change is not our … Continue reading

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What surpasses education, skills, charisma, and even talent? The surprising answer is self-awareness. One Cornell University study found it was the “strongest predictor of overall success” among top leaders.  I first heard this on a podcast by Michael Hyatt about three years ago.  And the … Continue reading

While there are so many things not to like about the last couple months of the shutdown of sports and gatherings, stay-at-home orders, closings of businesses and restaurants, social distancing, shortage of toilet paper and more, I hear people talking about … Continue reading

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