Tag Archives: growth

My daily sunrise routine includes walking 2 miles in my neighborhood while listening to podcasts or book summaries, enjoying the beauty of God’s sky-painting, reflecting on my life and my relationships and praying for others. A recent podcast got my attention.  It … Continue reading

Among all the greatest assets needed for work, relationships, and life—is this one that stands head and shoulders above the rest.  Let me be blunt.  Adaptability, now more than ever, is essential.  Change has been coming at record pace.  Some change is not our … Continue reading

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This day is memorable. On this day, 32 years ago, a ten plus year dream started to unfold.  That year, April 19, 1987 was on Easter Sunday, not Good Friday as it is in 2019. But that day, 32 years ago, was the … Continue reading

It’s now a couple weeks past the beginning of a new year and most everyone is probably done reflecting on the past and planning for the future.  Life has gotten busy again.  The weekly routines keep us on autopilot. Many of our … Continue reading

  A couple weeks ago, ten worship interns from Arise Worship returned to their homes—multiple states, three countries. During the eight weeks they were at Cape Christian, I had the opportunity to attempt to inspire these young millennial leaders toward … Continue reading

  This week, ten worship interns from across the globe, left our church campus and returned to their homes in Australia, Canada and the United States. During the two months these Arise Worship Internship millennials were with us, I treasured … Continue reading

  Whether you are a marathon runner, a sprinter, a swimmer, a basketball player or any other athlete, you know the importance of finishing well. Winning or losing often comes down to the last hundred yards, the final hundredth of … Continue reading

  I spent some time with my 83 year old father over the holidays. He was asking me a bunch of questions about how to better use the iPhone he bought last year. He thought he was bothering me by … Continue reading

  Recently, while spending time with Lloyd Reeb (Author of Success to Significance) and a dozen guys who were exploring what it means to live a life of significance, he said something that got my attention. It wasn’t a new … Continue reading

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