Tag Archives: grace

I’ve been back in the office and back on social media for three days now after being away on a sabbatical for the last 30 days.  Before I get too caught up in the busyness of work routines, I wanted to … Continue reading

I’m a pastor and a chaplain.  For over four decades, I’ve been praying for people.  I’ve prayed for people when they are distraught, angry, hurt, sick or struggling. I’ve prayed with people who are grateful, happy and rejoicing about their circumstances. My … Continue reading

The four hardest words for me to speak as a man are, “You hurt my feelings.”   In the first place, it’s not even manly to talk about my feelings.  Who wants to hear a man whine about wounded feelings?  It’s much more manly … Continue reading

One of the best sticky statements I’ve ever heard in a speech was from my colleague, Cory Demmel.  He was sharing the sad news of a popular church leader who had fallen far short of his calling.  Cory’s repeated line was about … Continue reading

In almost four decades of leadership, I’ve made more than my share of errors. The error I’ve regretted the least is this one—Effective leaders give others the benefit of the doubt. This was one of my top ten leadership learnings … Continue reading

  This week, I was honored to speak to Arise worship interns. I love inspiring young leaders toward transformissional living!  These millennials, span from age 17 to 31. They come from around the world (Australia, Canada and the United States).  They … Continue reading

  Everyone likes applause. Everyone. We all want positive feedback. Some feel so unworthy inside so they have trouble receiving the smallest compliment. Others soak up the applause like the desert does raindrops.  But we all have a need for … Continue reading

  As I write this post while watching the Super Bowl, everything is about success. Which of the Harbaugh brother coaches will be successful, Jim or John? Which team will be a success, Ravens or 49ers? Which commercials will be … Continue reading

  On Thanksgiving Day and most days across America and around the world, people pause while the food is steaming hot, join hands around the table, and give thanks. Sometimes, we call it, “Saying grace.” It might be a memorized … Continue reading

My wife recently upgraded to the new iPhone 5. Compared to her old iPhone 3Gs, it’s chock-full of genius technological advancements. From voice-guided GPS to personal assistant Siri answering every imaginable inquiry, it will do almost anything—short of making her … Continue reading

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