Tag Archives: Cory Demmel

At our weekly staff meeting today, one of our next-generation leaders (less than half my age) spoke on one of our 12 Codes that we continuously cover, one at a time, week to week.  His specific assignment code was “We are Faith-Filled, Big … Continue reading

The definition is simple, “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.”  It shouldn’t be that hard. But somehow, this one seems in short supply.  It’s often missing in the grocery store, neighborhoods, on the road, at work, and even in churches.  I just … Continue reading

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In 1986, I started an organization that has been in almost constant flux for over three decades.  Some love it.  Others abhor it.  I’ve often told those who were having a difficult time adjusting, the one sure thing you can count on at Cape … Continue reading

One of the best sticky statements I’ve ever heard in a speech was from my colleague, Cory Demmel.  He was sharing the sad news of a popular church leader who had fallen far short of his calling.  Cory’s repeated line was about … Continue reading

Disruption.  That’s pretty much the whole last few months.  A disruption.  Nearly everything in our lives and world have been disrupted.  For me, my work week has changed, my office is now my kitchen table, two international trips have been postponed, meetings are by … Continue reading

While there are so many things not to like about the last couple months of the shutdown of sports and gatherings, stay-at-home orders, closings of businesses and restaurants, social distancing, shortage of toilet paper and more, I hear people talking about … Continue reading

In 1986, I gained a new insight when I heard Dr. John Maxwell say, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  At the time, that new understanding both encouraged me and discouraged me.  It encouraged me because I was making a fresh leadership start. I … Continue reading

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