Tag Archives: comfort zone

In 1986, I started an organization that has been in almost constant flux for over three decades.  Some love it.  Others abhor it.  I’ve often told those who were having a difficult time adjusting, the one sure thing you can count on at Cape … Continue reading

9 Months, 3 days ago, I published this blog post in honor of my father in-love, Fred Augsburger. THIS MORNING – January 30, 2017 @ 2:15AM, he heard the words, “Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant, Enter Into Your Eternal … Continue reading

Last month, I posted my first guest blog. The very first since I launched the blog in 2012. I invited my sister Julia to write regarding the sudden passing of her 60 year old husband, Loren, a bit over a year … Continue reading

I’m privileged to share this guest blog from sister, Julia Gingerich Wasson, who lives in Oregon. I am frequently moved to tears when reading her monthly email reflections to my parents and siblings. They are brim full of raw emotion, transparent breakthroughs and … Continue reading

  “Why do most of us spend more time planning a week’s vacation than we spend planning our lives?” Ouch! That question grabbed my attention. And then a second statement was the zinger of zingers: “It’s no wonder so many … Continue reading

  Change is constant. Change is hard. Change is ____________ (you fill in the blank). There are hundreds of things we can say about change. There are thousands of great quotes on change. And we all know what it is … Continue reading

  Thirty years ago tomorrow, Linda (my wife) and I were sitting at the dining room table with our realtor in Elmira, NY. He presented us a purchase offer on our home. We were planning to move but had no … Continue reading

  This week, the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was celebrated across Germany and beyond. Construction of the Berlin Wall, which cut the city in two, began August 1961 to stop the fleeing of nearly 1000 … Continue reading

About six months ago, I read a short article by Bronnie Ware. She summed up her book, “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.” Here’s how it started. After leaving an unfulfilling job, Bronnie worked in hospice care. She informally … Continue reading

  You might remember it (if you are middle aged or older)—the Schlitz beer commercial in the 70’s that popularized the “Go for the Gusto” phrase. That tag line has since been shaped into multiple meanings, some more cultured than … Continue reading

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