Tag Archives: church planting

On this day, 37 years ago, our family arrived in Cape Coral, Florida on a dream and a prayer.  The dream was to fulfill a calling that had started more than a decade before.  The dream was to start and build a church … Continue reading

This past week marked the 35th year of an adventure that started with the arrival of our chock-full rental truck, three young children and a God-sized vision for a new church in a new city.  Milestones are a great time for reflections … Continue reading

Last year, when I was preparing to hit my “sign up for Medicare” birthday, my wife and I spent several months meeting with our financial planner for a very thorough financial review.  Those meetings included an analysis of our retirement accounts, … Continue reading

9 Months, 3 days ago, I published this blog post in honor of my father in-love, Fred Augsburger. THIS MORNING – January 30, 2017 @ 2:15AM, he heard the words, “Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant, Enter Into Your Eternal … Continue reading

  It was 30 years ago. May 7, 1986. The final leg of our move was completed. The adventure for our family of five was about to begin. We pulled our Ryder moving truck into the driveway of our rental … Continue reading

  Apostle Paul was in the spotlight. Standing before King Agrippa. On trial. In Caesarea. Beside the Mediterranean Sea. Questioned about his faith. One line burns in my mind. “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision … Continue reading

  Thirty years ago tomorrow, Linda (my wife) and I were sitting at the dining room table with our realtor in Elmira, NY. He presented us a purchase offer on our home. We were planning to move but had no … Continue reading

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