Tag Archives: change

I’ve been back in the office and back on social media for three days now after being away on a sabbatical for the last 30 days.  Before I get too caught up in the busyness of work routines, I wanted to … Continue reading

In 1986, I started an organization that has been in almost constant flux for over three decades.  Some love it.  Others abhor it.  I’ve often told those who were having a difficult time adjusting, the one sure thing you can count on at Cape … Continue reading

Disruption.  That’s pretty much the whole last few months.  A disruption.  Nearly everything in our lives and world have been disrupted.  For me, my work week has changed, my office is now my kitchen table, two international trips have been postponed, meetings are by … Continue reading

Change is inevitable. Just when you think you’re getting comfortable transition occurs. If you treat tomorrow as if it was yesterday, then you will miss out on the value of transitions.  We tend to think that people go through seasons of … Continue reading

  In his book, Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado writes this prose: The Cross. It rests on the time line of history like a compelling diamond. It’s tragedy summons all sufferers. It’s absurdity attracts all critics. It’s hope lures … Continue reading

  Change is constant. Change is hard. Change is ____________ (you fill in the blank). There are hundreds of things we can say about change. There are thousands of great quotes on change. And we all know what it is … Continue reading

  As a leader for over three decades, I’ve learned that people tend to resist change. Some mildly resist. Some criticize it but then adjust. Some run from it. And some fight change with every ounce of their energy. From … Continue reading

  When I walk through a cemetery, the most important thing on a gravestone is not the dates of birth and death. Forget the two dates. Just concentrate on the space between the two—usually a dash. What does that dash … Continue reading

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