Tag Archives: Bible

I’m a pastor and a chaplain.  For over four decades, I’ve been praying for people.  I’ve prayed for people when they are distraught, angry, hurt, sick or struggling. I’ve prayed with people who are grateful, happy and rejoicing about their circumstances. My … Continue reading

Every year there are new words and new phrases added to our vocabulary and dictionary.  Here’s a new one I learned recently: “Cancel Culture.”  We now live in a cancel culture.  Although it was first coined in 2016, Google Trends data indicates there … Continue reading

Disruption.  That’s pretty much the whole last few months.  A disruption.  Nearly everything in our lives and world have been disrupted.  For me, my work week has changed, my office is now my kitchen table, two international trips have been postponed, meetings are by … Continue reading

  “True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure–the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation.” This was a recent daily inspirational quote I posted on my social media channels. This slight paraphrase of something … Continue reading

  Recently, I wrote about a local football hero who made it to the NFL and got featured on every sport’s network top-five highlight reel with his embarrassing pre-touchdown pat-himself-on-the-back blunder. His hand-in-the-air celebration as he coasted toward the goal line ended … Continue reading

  Last weekend the most embarrassing thing happened to our local make-it-big hometown football hero. He’s been making the sports highlight reels this week—all for the wrong reasons. The fourth-overall NFL pick made a big-time rookie mistake. Buffalo Bills wide … Continue reading

  “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I love it. I saw this line the other day announcing the launch of a new church in Ohio. It’s so true. Real living starts when we courageously step outside our … Continue reading

  Touring Germany during our recent sabbatical gave my wife Linda and I some conversation opportunity about an important life principal. Exterior reflects interior. What is on the inside always migrates toward the outside. It was remarkable to note the difference between … Continue reading

  Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” We love births. We love birthdays. We celebrate them every year. That birth date is … Continue reading

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