Wow! It’s been a whole month since I last posted. When I’ve been in a pattern for the last years of writing at least two or more times each week, it feels really strange. But remember, I’m on a four-month sabbatical. And don’t forget the four R goals of my sabbatical plan–Rest, Recharge, Reconnect and Retool.

Upper Antelope Slot Canyon near Page, AZ.  Copyright by Gingerich PhotoArt

So, here’s the deal. Over the past month, every time I said, “I should write a blog post,” my wife reminded me that if it felt like I “should” be doing it, then maybe it was too much like work and a sabbatical is meant to be a time away from my work. So, I’ve truly been experiencing rest and the other  three R’s. But I sure have made multiple entries in my “Blog Potential” notebook in Evernote.


Bryce Canyon, UT. Copyright by Gingerich PhotoArt

One of the key points I made in my sabbatical grant proposal to the National Clergy Renewal program was that travel, adventure and photography all recharge me–emotionally, spiritually and physically. Therefore, in case you haven’t connected with our sabbatical photo journal through social media, I want to end this brief blog with two links.

The first link is the opening six weeks of our sabbatical when we were in Europe (Click here). The second link is to images from the first 10 days of our 10 week road trip across our magnificent United States of America (Click here).

I hope that you enjoy the images I have captured. They point us to a marvelous and spectacular Creator who cares about every detail of His creation–including you and what is happening in your life today!

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