As a 58 year old Baby Boomer, I am so inspired by people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s that are engaged in life with a purpose! Last Thursday night, I was privileged to have dinner with 91 year-old Dois Rosser. He started International Cooperating Ministries ( when he was 65 years old.

ICM, the organization Dois launched, has helped to build over 4,200 churches in 63 countries in the last 26 years. An additional 20,000 daughter churches have been planted. And they are mobilizing business leaders and churches to build and plant several thousand more churches in the next year. Remember, this has all been done AFTER he turned 65!

Think what could happen if millions of Baby Boomers had the mindset of businessman Dois Rosser who went on a mission trip to India at age 65 and then came home, inspired and passionate about making sure growing churches could construct a building that would be the thriving center of community life in villages all around the world. John Maxwell, author and speaker, describes Mr. Rosser to a tee when he writes, “A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.”

Anything can happen when people have two things—passion and purpose. Author Steve Pavlina said, “Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about.”  Do you know your purpose?

Most experts agree that someone who is 65 today is effectively more productive than a 65-year-old might have been 20 years ago. Yet, why is it that so many get to their 60’s and they just lift their foot off the accelerator and coast the rest of their lives? What if every Baby Boomer would press the accelerator and move full speed ahead toward discovering their purpose and living it out with passion?

Let’s make it more personal. What are you doing to discover and clarify your purpose? Is there anything that’s putting on the brakes to you knowing and fulfilling your purpose? Let’s talk about that more this week, okay?


QUESTION: What is one resource that helped you to discover or clarify your purpose?  Please share it with us in the Comment area below.

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