Recently, while spending time with Lloyd Reeb (Author of Success to Significance) and a dozen guys who were exploring what it means to live a life of significance, he said something that got my attention. It wasn’t a new thought to me. But this one thought sometimes gets lost in the hurry and scurry of life. A life of significance is built from the inside out. So simple, yet so powerful.

The Foundation Assessment exercise above, (available as a download at Halftime) will help you discern where you are right now in three very important areas of your life.

Your Inside World

How are you doing in your personal growth? Are still learning and stretching or are you just coasting and relying on your past knowledge? How about your health? To the degree you can control it, are you being a good steward of your body? If you are married, to what degree is your marriage thriving? What about your faith? Is it stagnant or growing? Do you nurture it daily?

Your Surrounding World

Score yourself on a 1-10 scale. How are you doing in your finances, parenting, career and friendships? Are you a good manager of what has been entrusted to you? Have you been intentional about staying connected to your children and grandchildren? Has your career been God honoring and fruitful? Do you have friends and do you regularly invest in those relationships?

Your Outside World

Are you making an impact in your community and beyond? Are you being intentional about making a positive, eternal impact in your local church and/or community? What about regionally, nationally or internationally?

If you are going to ignite a life of impact and adventure, you must build a solid foundation. Without a solid foundation, you will not be able to live a balanced, rewarding and sustainable second half.

QUESTION: What is one step you will take this week to build a stronger foundation? Share it in the comment section below.

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