Category Archives: Marriage

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While it was first recognized in 1949, it has never been more important than now to recognize the role mental health plays in our overall well-being and the value in raising awareness and helping those … Continue reading

Since this is the next-to-the-top viewed (over 3,000 times) of all my nearly 300 posts over the last decade, I thought it might be good for a rerun. Happy Valentine’s Day 2023! According to Hallmark’s research department, 145 million cards will … Continue reading

This is a slightly edited version of a weekly “Chaplain’s Chat” that I did recently for the employees of Cape Coral Police Department where I serve as Lead Chaplain — Dennis You don’t have to be a police officer or … Continue reading

  I’ve been working my way through the Top Ten. This is the last on the list. But certainly not the least on the list. Ever since I funneled four decades of leadership lessons into a 90-minute teaching session for … Continue reading

Last month, I posted my first guest blog. The very first since I launched the blog in 2012. I invited my sister Julia to write regarding the sudden passing of her 60 year old husband, Loren, a bit over a year … Continue reading

Last week I posted my first guest blog. The very first since I launched the blog in 2012. I invited my sister Julia to write regarding the sudden passing of her 60 year old husband, Loren, a bit over a year … Continue reading

  “Why do most of us spend more time planning a week’s vacation than we spend planning our lives?” Ouch! That question grabbed my attention. And then a second statement was the zinger of zingers: “It’s no wonder so many … Continue reading

  As a 21 year old, I stood expectantly at the front of a church filled with family and friends, vowing to love my college sweetheart until “death do us part.” Then the reception and away Linda Augsburger and I … Continue reading

  It’s the last day. The final day. The end of another year. 2014 is nearly toast. You might be reflecting on your year too on this New Year’s Eve. Some of you can’t wait to push the reset button. … Continue reading

A welder, chemist, music teacher, engineer, brain-cancer researcher, chaplain, physician, nurse, pastor, midwife, military analyst, business owner, and workers in a predominantly Muslim country. From Minnesota, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, New York, Florida, Colorado and the Middle East. Married between one … Continue reading

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