Category Archives: Finances

While there are so many things not to like about the last couple months of the shutdown of sports and gatherings, stay-at-home orders, closings of businesses and restaurants, social distancing, shortage of toilet paper and more, I hear people talking about … Continue reading

Last year, when I was preparing to hit my “sign up for Medicare” birthday, my wife and I spent several months meeting with our financial planner for a very thorough financial review.  Those meetings included an analysis of our retirement accounts, … Continue reading

  I was a new pastor in town attending an event where I knew almost no one. A 56 year-old “banker” made his way across the room to introduce himself to me. His name was Mahlon Hetrick. I never forgot … Continue reading

  May is “Older Americans Month” according to the Administration on Aging. This year’s theme is “Unleash the Power of Age.” I don’t feel like this applies to me. I’m only 59 going on 39. But truth is, since 2011 … Continue reading

  19% will go to their place of employment this week wishing they were some place else, according to research by the Society for Human Research Management.  81% of U.S. employees indicated overall satisfaction with their job in 2012.  But … Continue reading

  Whether you are a marathon runner, a sprinter, a swimmer, a basketball player or any other athlete, you know the importance of finishing well. Winning or losing often comes down to the last hundred yards, the final hundredth of … Continue reading

  For decades, I’ve chosen to use the term “invest” instead of “spend.” I originally started to use the terminology of investing when I was contemplating advertising our newly-launched church in the community through youth soccer team sponsorships, direct mail … Continue reading

  If you pay attention to the stock market, you know it’s up, it’s down. Good investors say patience is one of the greatest virtues. An old Chinese proverb offers this lesson for investors: “If your vision is for a year, … Continue reading

  Did you survive Black Friday? I’m always amazed to hear of people camping outside a store for 8 days to save $240 on a new TV. My math doesn’t calculate economic sense (if you are employed) into such an … Continue reading

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  While on vacation with my wife this week, we were visiting the Old Towne shops in Bera, Kentucky.  Behind the counter of Hot Flash Beads, we met an inspiring lady, Jimmy Lou Jackson, owner and creator. She joyfully makes … Continue reading

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