It would be amazing if you actually noticed that my blog didn’t show up the last couple weeks in your email inbox, your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter timeline. If you did wonder, even for a brief second, why you didn’t see any blog posts, I was on vacation. I was visiting my parents and family in Oregon. One thing that has kept me mostly sane and relatively healthy over the years is that I really do take vacations and breaks from my normal routines. So, I didn’t write any blogs other than a short Happy New Year greeting while on my vacation. I enjoyed relaxing, reflecting, connecting with family and my hobby of photography.


Mt. Hood – Oregon


Linda and Analise

My vacation included my wife and I taking, our 7 year old granddaughter with us from Florida to Oregon to visit her extended family. It was a fun experience — Snow-tubing on Mt. Hood, running from the incoming tide of the Pacific Ocean, giving her a first ice-skating experience, her seeing snow fall from the sky for the first time, riding four-wheelers, showing her where Grandpa grew up and helping her make sense of the familial connections with great uncles, aunts and cousins.

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Grand daughter tasting snow for the first time.

After a brief break, I look forward to blogging again! Next week, I’ll be starting a series of blogs inspired by an outstanding book I read on the plane ride from Oregon back to my home in Florida.  It’s great stuff.  I can’t wait to share it!  I know you’ll love it too!

Have a fantabulous weekend!

Grand daughter on the Pacific Ocean Beach

Mt. Hood tubing

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